ChartUtils.swift 9.35 KB
//  Utils.swift
//  Charts
//  Copyright 2015 Daniel Cohen Gindi & Philipp Jahoda
//  A port of MPAndroidChart for iOS
//  Licensed under Apache License 2.0

import Foundation
import CoreGraphics

extension Comparable {
    func clamped(to range: ClosedRange<Self>) -> Self {
        if self > range.upperBound {
            return range.upperBound
        } else if self < range.lowerBound {
            return range.lowerBound
        } else {
            return self

extension FloatingPoint
    var DEG2RAD: Self
        return self * .pi / 180

    var RAD2DEG: Self
        return self * 180 / .pi

    /// - Note: Value must be in degrees
    /// - Returns: An angle between 0.0 < 360.0 (not less than zero, less than 360)
    var normalizedAngle: Self
        let angle = truncatingRemainder(dividingBy: 360)
        return (sign == .minus) ? angle + 360 : angle

extension CGSize
    func rotatedBy(degrees: CGFloat) -> CGSize
        let radians = degrees.DEG2RAD
        return rotatedBy(radians: radians)

    func rotatedBy(radians: CGFloat) -> CGSize
        return CGSize(
            width: abs(width * cos(radians)) + abs(height * sin(radians)),
            height: abs(width * sin(radians)) + abs(height * cos(radians))

extension Double
    /// Rounds the number to the nearest multiple of it's order of magnitude, rounding away from zero if halfway.
    func roundedToNextSignficant() -> Double
            self != 0
            else { return self }

        let d = ceil(log10(self < 0 ? -self : self))
        let pw = 1 - Int(d)
        let magnitude = pow(10.0, Double(pw))
        let shifted = (self * magnitude).rounded()
        return shifted / magnitude

    var decimalPlaces: Int
            self != 0.0
            else { return 0 }

        let i = self.roundedToNextSignficant()

            else { return 0 }

        return Int(ceil(-log10(i))) + 2

extension CGPoint
    /// Calculates the position around a center point, depending on the distance from the center, and the angle of the position around the center.
    func moving(distance: CGFloat, atAngle angle: CGFloat) -> CGPoint
        return CGPoint(x: x + distance * cos(angle.DEG2RAD),
                       y: y + distance * sin(angle.DEG2RAD))

open class ChartUtils
    private static var _defaultValueFormatter: IValueFormatter = ChartUtils.generateDefaultValueFormatter()
    open class func drawImage(
        context: CGContext,
        image: NSUIImage,
        x: CGFloat,
        y: CGFloat,
        size: CGSize)
        var drawOffset = CGPoint()
        drawOffset.x = x - (size.width / 2)
        drawOffset.y = y - (size.height / 2)
        if image.size.width != size.width && image.size.height != size.height
            let key = "resized_\(size.width)_\(size.height)"
            // Try to take scaled image from cache of this image
            var scaledImage = objc_getAssociatedObject(image, key) as? NSUIImage
            if scaledImage == nil
                // Scale the image
                NSUIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions(size, false, 0.0)
                image.draw(in: CGRect(origin: CGPoint(x: 0, y: 0), size: size))
                scaledImage = NSUIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext()
                // Put the scaled image in a cache owned by the original image
                objc_setAssociatedObject(image, key, scaledImage, .OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN_NONATOMIC)
            scaledImage?.draw(in: CGRect(origin: drawOffset, size: size))
            image.draw(in: CGRect(origin: drawOffset, size: size))
    open class func drawText(context: CGContext, text: String, point: CGPoint, align: NSTextAlignment, attributes: [NSAttributedString.Key : Any]?)
        var point = point
        if align == .center
            point.x -= text.size(withAttributes: attributes).width / 2.0
        else if align == .right
            point.x -= text.size(withAttributes: attributes).width
        (text as NSString).draw(at: point, withAttributes: attributes)
    open class func drawText(context: CGContext, text: String, point: CGPoint, attributes: [NSAttributedString.Key : Any]?, anchor: CGPoint, angleRadians: CGFloat)
        var drawOffset = CGPoint()
        if angleRadians != 0.0
            let size = text.size(withAttributes: attributes)
            // Move the text drawing rect in a way that it always rotates around its center
            drawOffset.x = -size.width * 0.5
            drawOffset.y = -size.height * 0.5
            var translate = point
            // Move the "outer" rect relative to the anchor, assuming its centered
            if anchor.x != 0.5 || anchor.y != 0.5
                let rotatedSize = size.rotatedBy(radians: angleRadians)
                translate.x -= rotatedSize.width * (anchor.x - 0.5)
                translate.y -= rotatedSize.height * (anchor.y - 0.5)
            context.translateBy(x: translate.x, y: translate.y)
            context.rotate(by: angleRadians)
            (text as NSString).draw(at: drawOffset, withAttributes: attributes)
            if anchor.x != 0.0 || anchor.y != 0.0
                let size = text.size(withAttributes: attributes)
                drawOffset.x = -size.width * anchor.x
                drawOffset.y = -size.height * anchor.y
            drawOffset.x += point.x
            drawOffset.y += point.y
            (text as NSString).draw(at: drawOffset, withAttributes: attributes)
    internal class func drawMultilineText(context: CGContext, text: String, knownTextSize: CGSize, point: CGPoint, attributes: [NSAttributedString.Key : Any]?, constrainedToSize: CGSize, anchor: CGPoint, angleRadians: CGFloat)
        var rect = CGRect(origin: CGPoint(), size: knownTextSize)
        if angleRadians != 0.0
            // Move the text drawing rect in a way that it always rotates around its center
            rect.origin.x = -knownTextSize.width * 0.5
            rect.origin.y = -knownTextSize.height * 0.5
            var translate = point
            // Move the "outer" rect relative to the anchor, assuming its centered
            if anchor.x != 0.5 || anchor.y != 0.5
                let rotatedSize = knownTextSize.rotatedBy(radians: angleRadians)
                translate.x -= rotatedSize.width * (anchor.x - 0.5)
                translate.y -= rotatedSize.height * (anchor.y - 0.5)
            context.translateBy(x: translate.x, y: translate.y)
            context.rotate(by: angleRadians)
            (text as NSString).draw(with: rect, options: .usesLineFragmentOrigin, attributes: attributes, context: nil)
            if anchor.x != 0.0 || anchor.y != 0.0
                rect.origin.x = -knownTextSize.width * anchor.x
                rect.origin.y = -knownTextSize.height * anchor.y
            rect.origin.x += point.x
            rect.origin.y += point.y
            (text as NSString).draw(with: rect, options: .usesLineFragmentOrigin, attributes: attributes, context: nil)
    internal class func drawMultilineText(context: CGContext, text: String, point: CGPoint, attributes: [NSAttributedString.Key : Any]?, constrainedToSize: CGSize, anchor: CGPoint, angleRadians: CGFloat)
        let rect = text.boundingRect(with: constrainedToSize, options: .usesLineFragmentOrigin, attributes: attributes, context: nil)
        drawMultilineText(context: context, text: text, knownTextSize: rect.size, point: point, attributes: attributes, constrainedToSize: constrainedToSize, anchor: anchor, angleRadians: angleRadians)

    private class func generateDefaultValueFormatter() -> IValueFormatter
        let formatter = DefaultValueFormatter(decimals: 1)
        return formatter
    /// - Returns: The default value formatter used for all chart components that needs a default
    open class func defaultValueFormatter() -> IValueFormatter
        return _defaultValueFormatter