ILineChartDataSet.swift 2.59 KB
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//  ILineChartDataSet.swift
//  Charts
//  Copyright 2015 Daniel Cohen Gindi & Philipp Jahoda
//  A port of MPAndroidChart for iOS
//  Licensed under Apache License 2.0

import Foundation
import CoreGraphics

public protocol ILineChartDataSet: ILineRadarChartDataSet
    // MARK: - Data functions and accessors
    // MARK: - Styling functions and accessors
    /// The drawing mode for this line dataset
    /// **default**: Linear
    var mode: LineChartDataSet.Mode { get set }
    /// Intensity for cubic lines (min = 0.05, max = 1)
    /// **default**: 0.2
    var cubicIntensity: CGFloat { get set }
    /// The radius of the drawn circles.
    var circleRadius: CGFloat { get set }
    /// The hole radius of the drawn circles.
    var circleHoleRadius: CGFloat { get set }
    var circleColors: [NSUIColor] { get set }
    /// - Returns: The color at the given index of the DataSet's circle-color array.
    /// Performs a IndexOutOfBounds check by modulus.
    func getCircleColor(atIndex: Int) -> NSUIColor?
    /// Sets the one and ONLY color that should be used for this DataSet.
    /// Internally, this recreates the colors array and adds the specified color.
    func setCircleColor(_ color: NSUIColor)
    /// Resets the circle-colors array and creates a new one
    func resetCircleColors(_ index: Int)
    /// If true, drawing circles is enabled
    var drawCirclesEnabled: Bool { get set }
    /// `true` if drawing circles for this DataSet is enabled, `false` ifnot
    var isDrawCirclesEnabled: Bool { get }
    /// The color of the inner circle (the circle-hole).
    var circleHoleColor: NSUIColor? { get set }
    /// `true` if drawing circles for this DataSet is enabled, `false` ifnot
    var drawCircleHoleEnabled: Bool { get set }
    /// `true` if drawing the circle-holes is enabled, `false` ifnot.
    var isDrawCircleHoleEnabled: Bool { get }
    /// This is how much (in pixels) into the dash pattern are we starting from.
    var lineDashPhase: CGFloat { get }
    /// This is the actual dash pattern.
    /// I.e. [2, 3] will paint [--   --   ]
    /// [1, 3, 4, 2] will paint [-   ----  -   ----  ]
    var lineDashLengths: [CGFloat]? { get set }
    /// Line cap type, default is CGLineCap.Butt
    var lineCapType: CGLineCap { get set }
    /// Sets a custom IFillFormatter to the chart that handles the position of the filled-line for each DataSet. Set this to null to use the default logic.
    var fillFormatter: IFillFormatter? { get set }