CandleChartDataSet.swift 3.21 KB
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//  CandleChartDataSet.swift
//  Charts
//  Copyright 2015 Daniel Cohen Gindi & Philipp Jahoda
//  A port of MPAndroidChart for iOS
//  Licensed under Apache License 2.0

import Foundation
import CoreGraphics

open class CandleChartDataSet: LineScatterCandleRadarChartDataSet, ICandleChartDataSet
    public required init()
    public override init(entries: [ChartDataEntry]?, label: String?)
        super.init(entries: entries, label: label)
    // MARK: - Data functions and accessors
    open override func calcMinMax(entry e: ChartDataEntry)
        guard let e = e as? CandleChartDataEntry
            else { return }
        if e.low < _yMin
            _yMin = e.low
        if e.high > _yMax
            _yMax = e.high
        calcMinMaxX(entry: e)
    open override func calcMinMaxY(entry e: ChartDataEntry)
        guard let e = e as? CandleChartDataEntry
            else { return }
        if e.high < _yMin
            _yMin = e.high
        if e.high > _yMax
            _yMax = e.high
        if e.low < _yMin
            _yMin = e.low
        if e.low > _yMax
            _yMax = e.low
    // MARK: - Styling functions and accessors
    /// the space between the candle entries
    /// **default**: 0.1 (10%)
    private var _barSpace = CGFloat(0.1)
    /// the space that is left out on the left and right side of each candle,
    /// **default**: 0.1 (10%), max 0.45, min 0.0
    open var barSpace: CGFloat
            return _barSpace
            _barSpace = newValue.clamped(to: 0...0.45)
    /// should the candle bars show?
    /// when false, only "ticks" will show
    /// **default**: true
    open var showCandleBar: Bool = true
    /// the width of the candle-shadow-line in pixels.
    /// **default**: 1.5
    open var shadowWidth = CGFloat(1.5)
    /// the color of the shadow line
    open var shadowColor: NSUIColor?
    /// use candle color for the shadow
    open var shadowColorSameAsCandle = false
    /// Is the shadow color same as the candle color?
    open var isShadowColorSameAsCandle: Bool { return shadowColorSameAsCandle }
    /// color for open == close
    open var neutralColor: NSUIColor?
    /// color for open > close
    open var increasingColor: NSUIColor?
    /// color for open < close
    open var decreasingColor: NSUIColor?
    /// Are increasing values drawn as filled?
    /// increasing candlesticks are traditionally hollow
    open var increasingFilled = false
    /// Are increasing values drawn as filled?
    open var isIncreasingFilled: Bool { return increasingFilled }
    /// Are decreasing values drawn as filled?
    /// descreasing candlesticks are traditionally filled
    open var decreasingFilled = true
    /// Are decreasing values drawn as filled?
    open var isDecreasingFilled: Bool { return decreasingFilled }