HalfPieChartViewController.m 6.02 KB
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//  HalfPieChartViewController.m
//  ChartsDemo
//  Copyright 2015 Daniel Cohen Gindi & Philipp Jahoda
//  A port of MPAndroidChart for iOS
//  Licensed under Apache License 2.0
//  https://github.com/danielgindi/Charts

#import "HalfPieChartViewController.h"
#import "ChartsDemo_iOS-Swift.h"

@interface HalfPieChartViewController () <ChartViewDelegate>

@property (nonatomic, strong) IBOutlet PieChartView *chartView;


@implementation HalfPieChartViewController

- (void)viewDidLoad
    [super viewDidLoad];
    self.title = @"Half Pie Chart";
    self.options = @[
                     @{@"key": @"toggleValues", @"label": @"Toggle Y-Values"},
                     @{@"key": @"toggleXValues", @"label": @"Toggle X-Values"},
                     @{@"key": @"togglePercent", @"label": @"Toggle Percent"},
                     @{@"key": @"toggleHole", @"label": @"Toggle Hole"},
                     @{@"key": @"animateX", @"label": @"Animate X"},
                     @{@"key": @"animateY", @"label": @"Animate Y"},
                     @{@"key": @"animateXY", @"label": @"Animate XY"},
                     @{@"key": @"spin", @"label": @"Spin"},
                     @{@"key": @"drawCenter", @"label": @"Draw CenterText"},
                     @{@"key": @"saveToGallery", @"label": @"Save to Camera Roll"},
                     @{@"key": @"toggleData", @"label": @"Toggle Data"},
    [self setupPieChartView:_chartView];
    _chartView.delegate = self;
    _chartView.holeColor = UIColor.whiteColor;
    _chartView.transparentCircleColor = [UIColor.whiteColor colorWithAlphaComponent:0.43];
    _chartView.holeRadiusPercent = 0.58;
    _chartView.rotationEnabled = NO;
    _chartView.highlightPerTapEnabled = YES;
    _chartView.maxAngle = 180.0; // Half chart
    _chartView.rotationAngle = 180.0; // Rotate to make the half on the upper side
    _chartView.centerTextOffset = CGPointMake(0.0, -20.0);
    ChartLegend *l = _chartView.legend;
    l.horizontalAlignment = ChartLegendHorizontalAlignmentCenter;
    l.verticalAlignment = ChartLegendVerticalAlignmentTop;
    l.orientation = ChartLegendOrientationHorizontal;
    l.drawInside = NO;
    l.xEntrySpace = 7.0;
    l.yEntrySpace = 0.0;
    l.yOffset = 0.0;
    // entry label styling
    _chartView.entryLabelColor = UIColor.whiteColor;
    _chartView.entryLabelFont = [UIFont fontWithName:@"HelveticaNeue-Light" size:12.f];
    [self updateChartData];
    [_chartView animateWithXAxisDuration:1.4 easingOption:ChartEasingOptionEaseOutBack];

- (void)didReceiveMemoryWarning
    [super didReceiveMemoryWarning];
    // Dispose of any resources that can be recreated.

- (void)updateChartData
    if (self.shouldHideData)
        _chartView.data = nil;
    [self setDataCount:4 range:100];

- (void)setDataCount:(int)count range:(double)range
    double mult = range;
    NSMutableArray *values = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
    // IMPORTANT: In a PieChart, no values (Entry) should have the same xIndex (even if from different DataSets), since no values can be drawn above each other.
    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
        [values addObject:[[PieChartDataEntry alloc] initWithValue:(arc4random_uniform(mult) + mult / 5) label:parties[i % parties.count]]];
    PieChartDataSet *dataSet = [[PieChartDataSet alloc] initWithEntries:values label:@"Election Results"];
    dataSet.sliceSpace = 3.0;
    dataSet.selectionShift = 5.0;
    dataSet.colors = ChartColorTemplates.material;
    PieChartData *data = [[PieChartData alloc] initWithDataSet:dataSet];
    NSNumberFormatter *pFormatter = [[NSNumberFormatter alloc] init];
    pFormatter.numberStyle = NSNumberFormatterPercentStyle;
    pFormatter.maximumFractionDigits = 1;
    pFormatter.multiplier = @1.f;
    pFormatter.percentSymbol = @" %";
    [data setValueFormatter:[[ChartDefaultValueFormatter alloc] initWithFormatter:pFormatter]];
    [data setValueFont:[UIFont fontWithName:@"HelveticaNeue-Light" size:11.f]];
    [data setValueTextColor:UIColor.whiteColor];
    _chartView.data = data;
    [_chartView setNeedsDisplay];

- (void)optionTapped:(NSString *)key
    if ([key isEqualToString:@"toggleXValues"])
        _chartView.drawEntryLabelsEnabled = !_chartView.drawEntryLabelsEnabled;
        [_chartView setNeedsDisplay];
    if ([key isEqualToString:@"togglePercent"])
        _chartView.usePercentValuesEnabled = !_chartView.isUsePercentValuesEnabled;
        [_chartView setNeedsDisplay];
    if ([key isEqualToString:@"toggleHole"])
        _chartView.drawHoleEnabled = !_chartView.isDrawHoleEnabled;
        [_chartView setNeedsDisplay];
    if ([key isEqualToString:@"drawCenter"])
        _chartView.drawCenterTextEnabled = !_chartView.isDrawCenterTextEnabled;
        [_chartView setNeedsDisplay];
    if ([key isEqualToString:@"animateX"])
        [_chartView animateWithXAxisDuration:1.4];
    if ([key isEqualToString:@"animateY"])
        [_chartView animateWithYAxisDuration:1.4];
    if ([key isEqualToString:@"animateXY"])
        [_chartView animateWithXAxisDuration:1.4 yAxisDuration:1.4];
    if ([key isEqualToString:@"spin"])
        [_chartView spinWithDuration:2.0 fromAngle:_chartView.rotationAngle toAngle:_chartView.rotationAngle + 360.f easingOption:ChartEasingOptionEaseInCubic];
    [super handleOption:key forChartView:_chartView];

#pragma mark - Action

#pragma mark - ChartViewDelegate

- (void)chartValueSelected:(ChartViewBase * __nonnull)chartView entry:(ChartDataEntry * __nonnull)entry highlight:(ChartHighlight * __nonnull)highlight

- (void)chartValueNothingSelected:(ChartViewBase * __nonnull)chartView
