PieChartData.swift 2.93 KB
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//  PieData.swift
//  Charts
//  Copyright 2015 Daniel Cohen Gindi & Philipp Jahoda
//  A port of MPAndroidChart for iOS
//  Licensed under Apache License 2.0
//  https://github.com/danielgindi/Charts

import Foundation

open class PieChartData: ChartData
    public override init()
    public override init(dataSets: [IChartDataSet]?)
        super.init(dataSets: dataSets)

    /// All DataSet objects this ChartData object holds.
    @objc open override var dataSets: [IChartDataSet]
            assert(super.dataSets.count <= 1, "Found multiple data sets while pie chart only allows one")
            return super.dataSets
            super.dataSets = newValue

    @objc var dataSet: IPieChartDataSet?
            return dataSets.count > 0 ? dataSets[0] as? IPieChartDataSet : nil
            if let newValue = newValue
                dataSets = [newValue]
                dataSets = []
    open override func getDataSetByIndex(_ index: Int) -> IChartDataSet?
        if index != 0
            return nil
        return super.getDataSetByIndex(index)
    open override func getDataSetByLabel(_ label: String, ignorecase: Bool) -> IChartDataSet?
        if dataSets.count == 0 || dataSets[0].label == nil
            return nil
        if ignorecase
            if let label = dataSets[0].label, label.caseInsensitiveCompare(label) == .orderedSame
                return dataSets[0]
            if label == dataSets[0].label
                return dataSets[0]
        return nil
    open override func entryForHighlight(_ highlight: Highlight) -> ChartDataEntry?
        return dataSet?.entryForIndex(Int(highlight.x))
    open override func addDataSet(_ d: IChartDataSet!)
    /// Removes the DataSet at the given index in the DataSet array from the data object.
    /// Also recalculates all minimum and maximum values.
    /// - Returns: `true` if a DataSet was removed, `false` ifno DataSet could be removed.
    open override func removeDataSetByIndex(_ index: Int) -> Bool
        if index >= _dataSets.count || index < 0
            return false
        return false
    /// The total y-value sum across all DataSet objects the this object represents.
    @objc open var yValueSum: Double
        guard let dataSet = dataSet else { return 0.0 }
        return (0..<dataSet.entryCount).reduce(into: 0) {
            $0 += dataSet.entryForIndex($1)?.y ?? 0