ShareManager.m 3.19 KB
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//  ShareManager.m
//  MiAiApp
//  Created by 徐阳 on 2017/6/1.
//  Copyright © 2017年 徐阳. All rights reserved.

#import "ShareManager.h"
#import <UShareUI/UShareUI.h>

@implementation ShareManager


    [UMSocialUIManager showShareMenuViewInWindowWithPlatformSelectionBlock:^(UMSocialPlatformType platformType, NSDictionary *userInfo) {
        // 根据获取的platformType确定所选平台进行下一步操作
        [self shareWebPageToPlatformType:platformType];

- (void)shareWebPageToPlatformType:(UMSocialPlatformType)platformType
    UMSocialMessageObject *messageObject = [UMSocialMessageObject messageObject];
    NSString* thumbURL =  @"";
    UMShareWebpageObject *shareObject = [UMShareWebpageObject shareObjectWithTitle:@"欢迎使用【友盟+】社会化组件U-Share" descr:@"欢迎使用【友盟+】社会化组件U-Share,SDK包最小,集成成本最低,助力您的产品开发、运营与推广!" thumImage:thumbURL];
    shareObject.webpageUrl = @"";
    messageObject.shareObject = shareObject;
    [[UMSocialManager defaultManager] shareToPlatform:platformType messageObject:messageObject currentViewController:nil completion:^(id data, NSError *error) {
        if (error) {
            UMSocialLogInfo(@"************Share fail with error %@*********",error);
            if ([data isKindOfClass:[UMSocialShareResponse class]]) {
                UMSocialShareResponse *resp = data;
                UMSocialLogInfo(@"response message is %@",resp.message);
                UMSocialLogInfo(@"response originalResponse data is %@",resp.originalResponse);
                UMSocialLogInfo(@"response data is %@",data);
        [self alertWithError:error];

- (void)alertWithError:(NSError *)error
    NSString *result = nil;
    if (!error) {
        result = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Share succeed"];
        NSMutableString *str = [NSMutableString string];
        if (error.userInfo) {
            for (NSString *key in error.userInfo) {
                [str appendFormat:@"%@ = %@\n", key, error.userInfo[key]];
        if (error) {
            result = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Share fail with error code: %d\n%@",(int)error.code, str];
            result = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Share fail"];
    UIAlertView *alert = [[UIAlertView alloc] initWithTitle:@"share"
                                          cancelButtonTitle:NSLocalizedString(@"sure", @"确定")
    [alert show];
