Commit faf401ea by mercymodest

feat: add 拉伽 sql

parent 2178db1f
alter table company_cfg_reserve
alter table company_cfg_reserve
......@@ -92,6 +92,9 @@ alter table room_type
add constraint room_type_pk
primary key (uuid);
alter table company_cfg_reserve
modify cycle tinyint(1) default 15 null comment '企业可预定周期(天) 3:3天 7:7天 15:15天 30:30天';
alter table sys_user
alter table sys_user
modify user_type tinyint(1) default 0 null comment '用户类型 0:pc端:sys_user 1:pc端:org_sys_user default:0';
create index t_device_group_device_group_code_index
on t_device_group (device_group_code);
create index t_device_group_device_group_key_index
on t_device_group (device_group_key);
create index t_device_group_org_id_index
on t_device_group (org_id);
create index t_business_description_business_id_business_type_index
on t_business_description (business_id, business_type);
create index t_business_description_language_type_index
on t_business_description (language_type);
create index idx_sync_class_pass
on store_course (sync_class_pass);
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