Commit c2c4785a by mercymodest

feat: add yago 2.0.0 update sql

parent b2fc05fc
CREATE TABLE `api_client_credentials`
CREATE TABLE `api_client_credentials`
......@@ -66,3 +66,33 @@ create index idx_cp_booking_id
alter table user_card_subscribe_logs
modify user_phone varchar(50) null comment '用户手机号';
create index idx_subscribe_uuid
on subscribe_operate_logs (subscribe_uuid);
alter table subscribe_operate_logs
add operation_source tinyint(1) default 0 null comment '操作来源 0:拉伽 1:ClassPass小程序';
create index salesman_recommend_user_user_uuid_index
on salesman_recommend_user (user_uuid);
create index idx_store_uuid
on user_return_visit (store_uuid);
alter table store
add store_id varchar(50) default null null comment '场馆 id 若需要在ClassPath中进行排课则需要必填场馆ID';
UPDATE store
SET store_id=uuid
WHERE store_id is null;
create index idx_store_uuid
on store_schedules (store_uuid);
create index idx_store_uuid
on user_card_subscribe_logs (store_uuid);
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