Commit 63e17e52 by 仲光辉

feat: add sql.

parent c89119ca
alter table company_cfg_reserve
alter table company_cfg_reserve
modify project_uuid char(32) not null comment '项目uuid ';
alter table company_cfg_reserve
add project_name varchar(32) null comment '项目名称' after project_uuid;
alter table company_cfg_reserve
change num cycle tinyint(1) default 15 null comment '企业可预定周期(天) 7:7天 15:15天 30:30天 默认15天';
alter table company_cfg_reserve
modify duration decimal(6, 2) default 4.00 null comment '每天预定时长';
alter table company_cfg_reserve
modify is_limit tinyint(1) default 0 null comment '是否超出限制提交, 1:是 0,否';
alter table company_cfg_reserve
modify duration decimal(6, 2) default 4.00 null comment '企业每月免费时长(h)';
# room 添加字段 office_building_uuid char(32) null comment '楼栋uuid(office_building表)'
alter table room
add office_building_uuid char(32) null comment '楼栋uuid(office_building表)' after company_uuid;
# room 添加字段 office_building_name varchar(32) null comment '楼栋名称'
alter table room
add office_building_name varchar(32) null comment '楼栋名称' after office_building_uuid;
create index company_cfg_reserve_project_uuid_index
on company_cfg_reserve (project_uuid);
alter table room_order
add contact_name varchar(15) null comment '联系人名称' after theme;
alter table room_order
add constraint room_order_pk
primary key (uuid);
create index room_order_room_uuid_index
on room_order (room_uuid);
# index status
create index room_order_status_index
on room_order (status);
# index: begin_time
create index room_order_begin_time_index
on room_order (begin_time);
# index end_time
create index room_order_end_time_index
on room_order (end_time);
create index room_order_company_name_index
on room_order (company_name);
alter table room_order
add appointment_type tinyint(1) default 0 null comment '预约类型 0:用户预约 1:后台预约';
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