//  ChartDataEntryBase.swift
//  Charts
//  Copyright 2015 Daniel Cohen Gindi & Philipp Jahoda
//  A port of MPAndroidChart for iOS
//  Licensed under Apache License 2.0
//  https://github.com/danielgindi/Charts

import Foundation

open class ChartDataEntryBase: NSObject
    /// the y value
    @objc open var y = 0.0
    /// optional spot for additional data this Entry represents
    @objc open var data: Any?
    /// optional icon image
    @objc open var icon: NSUIImage?
    public override required init()
    /// An Entry represents one single entry in the chart.
    /// - Parameters:
    ///   - y: the y value (the actual value of the entry)
    @objc public init(y: Double)
        self.y = y
    /// - Parameters:
    ///   - y: the y value (the actual value of the entry)
    ///   - data: Space for additional data this Entry represents.
    @objc public convenience init(y: Double, data: Any?)
        self.init(y: y)
        self.data = data
    /// - Parameters:
    ///   - y: the y value (the actual value of the entry)
    ///   - icon: icon image
    @objc public convenience init(y: Double, icon: NSUIImage?)
        self.init(y: y)

        self.icon = icon
    /// - Parameters:
    ///   - y: the y value (the actual value of the entry)
    ///   - icon: icon image
    ///   - data: Space for additional data this Entry represents.
    @objc public convenience init(y: Double, icon: NSUIImage?, data: Any?)
        self.init(y: y)

        self.icon = icon
        self.data = data

    // MARK: NSObject
    open override var description: String
        return "ChartDataEntryBase, y \(y)"

// MARK: Equatable
extension ChartDataEntryBase/*: Equatable*/ {
    open override func isEqual(_ object: Any?) -> Bool {
        guard let object = object as? ChartDataEntryBase else { return false }

        if self === object
            return true

        return y == object.y