//  PieRadarHighlighter.swift
//  Charts
//  Copyright 2015 Daniel Cohen Gindi & Philipp Jahoda
//  A port of MPAndroidChart for iOS
//  Licensed under Apache License 2.0
//  https://github.com/danielgindi/Charts

import Foundation
import CoreGraphics

open class PieRadarHighlighter: ChartHighlighter
    open override func getHighlight(x: CGFloat, y: CGFloat) -> Highlight?
        guard let chart = self.chart as? PieRadarChartViewBase else { return nil }
        let touchDistanceToCenter = chart.distanceToCenter(x: x, y: y)
        // check if a slice was touched
        guard touchDistanceToCenter <= chart.radius else
            // if no slice was touched, highlight nothing
            return nil

        var angle = chart.angleForPoint(x: x ,y: y)

        if chart is PieChartView
            angle /= CGFloat(chart.chartAnimator.phaseY)

        let index = chart.indexForAngle(angle)

        // check if the index could be found
        if index < 0 || index >= chart.data?.maxEntryCountSet?.entryCount ?? 0
            return nil
            return closestHighlight(index: index, x: x, y: y)

    /// - Parameters:
    ///   - index:
    ///   - x:
    ///   - y:
    /// - Returns: The closest Highlight object of the given objects based on the touch position inside the chart.
    @objc open func closestHighlight(index: Int, x: CGFloat, y: CGFloat) -> Highlight?
        fatalError("closestHighlight(index, x, y) cannot be called on PieRadarChartHighlighter")