Commit 8fccf9cc by 仲光辉

feat: add sql.

parent a8392e93
# # 2022.05.25
# # 2022.05.25
......@@ -5788,5 +5788,21 @@
### 线上数据已经执行 执行时间: 2023.03.22 1842
alter table contract
add order_maker_uuid varchar(64) null comment '制表人 uuid';
create index business_custom_field_business_uuid_index
on business_custom_field (business_uuid);
create index business_custom_field_field_name_index
on business_custom_field (field_name);
create index company_region_uuid_index
on company (region_uuid);
alter table bill_item
modify bill_tag int(1) default 0 null comment '账单标签: 0:普通账单 1:退租合同账单快照(用于撤销退租之后的账单回退) 2:退租手动添加账单 (用于撤销退租之后删除退租时手动添加的账单) 3:账单金额已编辑(退租时编辑) 4:结清时生产的滞纳金 5:仅计算不收取的时候,不需要计算的被删除的滞纳金 6: 定时任务计算的滞纳金 default: 0';
UPDATE project_floor_sub_item
UPDATE project_floor_sub_item
......@@ -391,6 +391,19 @@ SET t.user_uuid = '898849334b694f68aaf31b2abbef518e', = '丁雨婷-Pico'
WHERE t.uuid = 1640967880595537922;
UPDATE mfg.contract_follow_admin t
SET t.user_uuid = '6c029174d2cf401e920e9fda1a5dc2f9', = '彭燕红-Sofia'
WHERE t.uuid = 1567079372954923009;
UPDATE mfg.contract t
SET t.create_uuid = '6c029174d2cf401e920e9fda1a5dc2f9'
WHERE t.uuid = 1547787933098000386;
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