Commit 708b580b by 仲光辉

feat: add sql.

parent adc9447f
# # 2022.05.25
# # 2022.05.25
......@@ -5808,4 +5808,24 @@
### 线上数据已经执行 执行时间: 2023.04.11 1533
alter table opportunity
add intention_remarks varchar(510) null comment '意向说明';
# 新增字段
ALTER TABLE opportunity ADD COLUMN new_rent_date VARCHAR(10) AFTER rent_date;
# 填充数据
UPDATE opportunity SET new_rent_date = DATE_FORMAT(rent_date, '%Y-%m') WHERE rent_date IS NOT NULL;
# 新增字段
ALTER TABLE opportunity ADD COLUMN new_expect_deal_date VARCHAR(10) AFTER expect_deal_date;
# 填充数据
UPDATE opportunity SET new_expect_deal_date = DATE_FORMAT(expect_deal_date, '%Y-%m') WHERE expect_deal_date IS NOT NULL;
alter table bill_charge_notice_history_group
modify status tinyint(1) default 0 null comment '生成状态0生成中1已完成 2:生成失败';
alter table bill_charge_notice_history_group
add error_msg varchar(200) null comment '错误原因';
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