<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <!-- /* * Copyright (C) 2008 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ --> <resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2"> <!-- General --> <skip /> <string name="launcher_inv_name">""</string> <!-- Application name --> <!-- Default folder name --> <string name="folder_name"></string> <!-- Work folder name --> <string name="work_folder_name">Work</string> <!-- Displayed when user selects a shortcut for an app that was uninstalled [CHAR_LIMIT=none]--> <string name="activity_not_found">App isn\'t installed.</string> <!-- Displayed when user selects a shortcut for an app that is current not available [CHAR_LIMIT=none]--> <string name="activity_not_available">App isn\'t available</string> <!-- SafeMode shortcut error string --> <string name="safemode_shortcut_error">Downloaded app disabled in Safe mode</string> <!-- SafeMode widget error string --> <string name="safemode_widget_error">Widgets disabled in Safe mode</string> <!-- Message shown when a shortcut is not available. It could have been temporarily disabled and may start working again after some time. --> <string name="shortcut_not_available">Shortcut isn\'t available</string> <!-- User visible name for the launcher/home screen. [CHAR_LIMIT=30] --> <string name="home_screen">Home screen</string> <!-- Label for showing custom action list of a shortcut or widget. [CHAR_LIMIT=30] --> <string name="custom_actions">Custom actions</string> <!-- Widgets --> <!-- Message to tell the user to press and hold on a widget to add it [CHAR_LIMIT=50] --> <string name="long_press_widget_to_add">Touch & hold to pick up a widget.</string> <!-- Accessibility spoken hint message in widget picker, which allows user to add a widget. Custom action is the label for additional accessibility actions available in this mode [CHAR_LIMIT=100] --> <string name="long_accessible_way_to_add">Double-tap & hold to pick up a widget or use custom actions.</string> <!-- The format string for the dimensions of a widget in the drawer --> <!-- There is a special version of this format string for Farsi --> <string name="widget_dims_format">%1$d \u00d7 %2$d</string> <!-- Accessibility spoken message format for the dimensions of a widget in the drawer --> <string name="widget_accessible_dims_format">%1$d wide by %2$d high</string> <!-- Message to tell the user to press and hold a widget/icon to add it --> <string name="add_item_request_drag_hint">Touch & hold to place manually</string> <!-- Button label to automatically add icon on home screen [CHAR_LIMIT=50] --> <string name="place_automatically">Add automatically</string> <!-- All Apps --> <!-- Search bar text in the apps view. [CHAR_LIMIT=50] --> <string name="all_apps_search_bar_hint">Search apps</string> <!-- Loading apps text. [CHAR_LIMIT=50] --> <string name="all_apps_loading_message">Loading apps…</string> <!-- No-search-results text. [CHAR_LIMIT=50] --> <string name="all_apps_no_search_results">No apps found matching \"<xliff:g id="query" example="Android">%1$s</xliff:g>\"</string> <!-- Label for the button which allows the user to get app search results. [CHAR_LIMIT=50] --> <string name="all_apps_search_market_message">Search for more apps</string> <!-- Popup items --> <!-- Text to display as the header above notifications. [CHAR_LIMIT=30] --> <string name="notifications_header">Notifications</string> <!-- Drag and drop --> <!-- Message to tell the user to press and hold on a shortcut to add it [CHAR_LIMIT=50] --> <string name="long_press_shortcut_to_add">Touch & hold to pick up a shortcut.</string> <!-- Accessibility spoken hint message in deep shortcut menu, which allows user to add a shortcut. Custom action is the label for additional accessibility actions available in this mode [CHAR_LIMIT=200] --> <string name="long_accessible_way_to_add_shortcut">Double-tap & hold to pick up a shortcut or use custom actions.</string> <skip /> <!-- Error message when user has filled a home screen --> <string name="out_of_space">No more room on this Home screen.</string> <!-- Error message when user has filled the hotseat --> <string name="hotseat_out_of_space">No more room in the Favorites tray</string> <!-- All applications label --> <string name="all_apps_button_label">Apps list</string> <string name="all_apps_button_personal_label">Personal apps list</string> <string name="all_apps_button_work_label">Work apps list</string> <!-- Label for button in all applications label to go back home (to the workspace / desktop) for accessibilty (spoken when the button gets focus). --> <string name="all_apps_home_button_label">Home</string> <!-- Label for remove drop target. [CHAR_LIMIT=20] --> <string name="remove_drop_target_label">Remove</string> <!-- Label for uninstall drop target. [CHAR_LIMIT=20]--> <string name="uninstall_drop_target_label">Uninstall</string> <!-- Label for app info drop target. [CHAR_LIMIT=20] --> <string name="app_info_drop_target_label">App info</string> <!-- Label for install drop target. [CHAR_LIMIT=20] --> <string name="install_drop_target_label">Install</string> <!-- Permissions: --> <skip /> <!-- Permission short label --> <string name="permlab_install_shortcut">install shortcuts</string> <!-- Permission description --> <string name="permdesc_install_shortcut">Allows an app to add shortcuts without user intervention.</string> <!-- Permission short label --> <string name="permlab_read_settings">read Home settings and shortcuts</string> <!-- Permission description --> <string name="permdesc_read_settings">Allows the app to read the settings and shortcuts in Home.</string> <!-- Permission short label --> <string name="permlab_write_settings">write Home settings and shortcuts</string> <!-- Permission description --> <string name="permdesc_write_settings">Allows the app to change the settings and shortcuts in Home.</string> <!-- Toast shown on clicking a direct call shortcut. [CHAR_LIMIT=80] --> <string name="msg_no_phone_permission"><xliff:g id="app_name" example="Launcher3">%1$s</xliff:g> is not allowed to make phone calls</string> <!-- Widgets: --> <skip /> <!-- Text to show user in place of a gadget when we can't display it properly --> <string name="gadget_error_text">Problem loading widget</string> <!-- Text to show user in place of a gadget when it is not yet initialized. --> <string name="gadget_setup_text">Setup</string> <!-- Text to inform the user that they can't uninstall a system application --> <string name="uninstall_system_app_text">This is a system app and can\'t be uninstalled.</string> <!-- Default folder title --> <string name="folder_hint_text">Unnamed Folder</string> <!-- Accessibility --> <!-- The format string for when an app is temporarily disabled. --> <string name="disabled_app_label">Disabled <xliff:g id="app_name" example="Messenger">%1$s</xliff:g></string> <!-- The format string for when an app has a notification dot (meaning it has associated notifications). --> <plurals name="badged_app_label"> <item quantity="one"><xliff:g id="app_name" example="Messenger">%1$s</xliff:g>, has <xliff:g id="notification_count" example="1">%2$d</xliff:g> notification</item> <item quantity="other"><xliff:g id="app_name" example="Messenger">%1$s</xliff:g>, has <xliff:g id="notification_count" example="3">%2$d</xliff:g> notifications</item> </plurals> <skip /> <!-- The format string for default page scroll text [CHAR_LIMIT=none] --> <string name="default_scroll_format">Page %1$d of %2$d</string> <!-- The format string for Workspace page scroll text [CHAR_LIMIT=none] --> <string name="workspace_scroll_format">Home screen %1$d of %2$d</string> <!-- Description for a new page on homescreen[CHAR_LIMIT=none] --> <string name="workspace_new_page">New home screen page</string> <!-- Folder accessibility --> <!-- The format string for when a folder is opened, speaks the dimensions --> <string name="folder_opened">Folder opened, <xliff:g id="width" example="5">%1$d</xliff:g> by <xliff:g id="height" example="3">%2$d</xliff:g></string> <!-- Instruction that clicking outside will close folder --> <string name="folder_tap_to_close">Tap to close folder</string> <!-- Instruction that clicking outside will commit folder rename --> <string name="folder_tap_to_rename">Tap to save rename</string> <!-- Indication that folder closed --> <string name="folder_closed">Folder closed</string> <!-- Folder renamed format --> <string name="folder_renamed">Folder renamed to <xliff:g id="name" example="Games">%1$s</xliff:g></string> <!-- Folder name format --> <string name="folder_name_format">Folder: <xliff:g id="name" example="Games">%1$s</xliff:g></string> <!-- Strings for the customization mode --> <!-- Text for widget add button --> <string name="widget_button_text">Widgets</string> <!-- Text for wallpaper change button --> <string name="wallpaper_button_text">Wallpapers</string> <!-- Text for settings button --> <string name="settings_button_text">Home settings</string> <!-- Message shown when a feature is disabled by the administrator --> <string name="msg_disabled_by_admin">Disabled by your admin</string> <!-- Strings for settings --> <!-- Title for Allow Rotation setting. [CHAR LIMIT=50] --> <string name="allow_rotation_title">Allow Home screen rotation</string> <!-- Text explaining when the home screen will get rotated. [CHAR LIMIT=100] --> <string name="allow_rotation_desc">When phone is rotated</string> <!-- Title for Notification dots setting. Tapping this will link to the system Notifications settings screen where the user can turn off notification dots globally. [CHAR LIMIT=50] --> <string name="icon_badging_title">Notification dots</string> <!-- Text to indicate that the system icon badging setting is on [CHAR LIMIT=100] --> <string name="icon_badging_desc_on">On</string> <!-- Text to indicate that the system icon badging setting is off [CHAR LIMIT=100] --> <string name="icon_badging_desc_off">Off</string> <!-- Title for the dialog shown when the app does not has notification access, explaining the requirement for notification access [CHAR LIMIT=50] --> <string name="title_missing_notification_access">Notification access needed</string> <!-- Message explaining to the user that the notification access is required by the app for showing 'Notification dots' [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] --> <string name="msg_missing_notification_access">To show Notification Dots, turn on app notifications for <xliff:g id="name" example="My App">%1$s</xliff:g></string> <!-- Button text in the confirmation dialog which would take the user to the system settings [CHAR LIMIT=50] --> <string name="title_change_settings">Change settings</string> <!-- Summary for Notification dots setting. Tapping this will link enable/disable notification dots feature on the home screen. [CHAR LIMIT=50] --> <string name="icon_badging_service_title">倍知守护孩子端</string> <!-- Label for the setting that allows the automatic placement of launcher shortcuts for applications and games installed on the device [CHAR LIMIT=40] --> <string name="auto_add_shortcuts_label">Add icon to Home screen</string> <!-- Text description of the setting that allows the automatic placement of launcher shortcuts for applications and games installed on the device [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] --> <string name="auto_add_shortcuts_description">For new apps</string> <!-- Developer setting to change the shape of icons on home screen. [CHAR LIMIT=50] --> <string name="icon_shape_override_label">Change icon shape</string> <!-- Subtext explaining that the icons will only be affected on the home screen. This text follows the actual icon action: Change icon shape, on Home screen [CHAR LIMIT=100] --> <string name="icon_shape_override_label_location">on Home screen</string> <!-- Option to not change the icon shape on home screen and use the system default setting instead. [CHAR LIMIT=50] --> <string name="icon_shape_system_default">Use system default</string> <!-- Option to change the shape of the home screen icons to a square. [CHAR LIMIT=50] --> <string name="icon_shape_square">Square</string> <!-- Option to change the shape of the home screen icons to a squircle. This represents the name of the shape somewhere between a circle and a square. [CHAR LIMIT=50] --> <string name="icon_shape_squircle">Squircle</string> <!-- Option to change the shape of the home screen icons to a circle. [CHAR LIMIT=50] --> <string name="icon_shape_circle">Circle</string> <!-- Option to change the shape of the home screen icons to a teardrop. This represents the name of the shape similar to a circle with with the bottom right corner pushed out like a square [CHAR LIMIT=50] --> <string name="icon_shape_teardrop">Teardrop</string> <!-- Message shown in the progress dialog when the icon shape override is being applied [CHAR LIMIT=100]--> <string name="icon_shape_override_progress">Applying icon shape changes</string> <!-- Label on an icon that references an uninstalled package, for which we have no information about when it might be installed. [CHAR_LIMIT=15] --> <string name="package_state_unknown">Unknown</string> <!-- Button for abandoned promises dialog, to removes this abandoned promise icon. --> <string name="abandoned_clean_this">Remove</string> <!-- Button for abandoned promise dialog, to search in the market for the missing package. --> <string name="abandoned_search">Search</string> <!-- Title for abandoned promise dialog. --> <string name="abandoned_promises_title">This app is not installed</string> <!-- Explanation for abandoned promise dialog. "The first 'it' refers to the shortcut icon. The second "it" refers to the app. --> <string name="abandoned_promise_explanation">The app for this icon isn\'t installed. You can remove it, or search for the app and install it manually. </string> <!-- Title for an app which is being downloaded. --> <string name="app_downloading_title"><xliff:g id="name" example="Messenger">%1$s</xliff:g> downloading, <xliff:g id="progress" example="30%">%2$s</xliff:g> complete</string> <!-- Title for an app whose download has been started. --> <string name="app_waiting_download_title"><xliff:g id="name" example="Messenger">%1$s</xliff:g> waiting to install</string> <!-- Strings for widgets & more in the popup container/bottom sheet --> <!-- Title for a bottom sheet that shows widgets for a particular app --> <string name="widgets_bottom_sheet_title"><xliff:g id="name" example="Messenger">%1$s</xliff:g> widgets</string> <!-- Accessibility title for the popup containing a list of widgets. [CHAR_LIMIT=50] --> <string name="widgets_list">Widgets list</string> <!-- Text announced by accessibility when the popup containing the list of widgets is closed. [CHAR_LIMIT=100] --> <string name="widgets_list_closed">Widgets list closed</string> <!-- Strings for accessibility actions --> <!-- Accessibility action to add an app to workspace. [CHAR_LIMIT=30] --> <string name="action_add_to_workspace">Add to Home screen</string> <!-- Accessibility action to move item to the current location. [CHAR_LIMIT=30] --> <string name="action_move_here">Move item here</string> <!-- Accessibility confirmation for item added to workspace. --> <string name="item_added_to_workspace">Item added to home screen</string> <!-- Accessibility confirmation for item removed. --> <string name="item_removed">Item removed</string> <!-- Accessibility action to move an item on the workspace. [CHAR_LIMIT=30] --> <string name="action_move">Move item</string> <!-- Accessibility description to move item to empty cell. --> <string name="move_to_empty_cell">Move to row <xliff:g id="number" example="1">%1$s</xliff:g> column <xliff:g id="number" example="1">%2$s</xliff:g></string> <!-- Accessibility description to move item inside a folder. --> <string name="move_to_position">Move to position <xliff:g id="number" example="1">%1$s</xliff:g></string> <!-- Accessibility description to move item to the hotseat. --> <string name="move_to_hotseat_position">Move to favorites position <xliff:g id="number" example="1">%1$s</xliff:g></string> <!-- Accessibility confirmation for item move. --> <string name="item_moved">Item moved</string> <!-- Accessibility description to move item into an existing folder. --> <string name="add_to_folder">Add to folder: <xliff:g id="name" example="Games">%1$s</xliff:g></string> <!-- Accessibility description to move item into an existing folder containing an app. --> <string name="add_to_folder_with_app">Add to folder with <xliff:g id="name" example="Messenger">%1$s</xliff:g></string> <!-- Accessibility confirmation for item added to folder. --> <string name="added_to_folder">Item added to folder</string> <!-- Accessibility description to create folder with another item. --> <string name="create_folder_with">Create folder with: <xliff:g id="name" example="Game">%1$s</xliff:g></string> <!-- Accessibility confirmation for folder created. --> <string name="folder_created">Folder created</string> <!-- Accessibility action to move an item from folder to workspace. [CHAR_LIMIT=30] --> <string name="action_move_to_workspace">Move to Home screen</string> <!-- Accessibility action to resize a widget. [CHAR_LIMIT=30] --> <string name="action_resize">Resize</string> <!-- Accessibility action to increase width of a widget. [CHAR_LIMIT=30] --> <string name="action_increase_width">Increase width</string> <!-- Accessibility action to increase height of a widget. [CHAR_LIMIT=30] --> <string name="action_increase_height">Increase height</string> <!-- Accessibility action to decrease width of a widget. [CHAR_LIMIT=30] --> <string name="action_decrease_width">Decrease width</string> <!-- Accessibility action to decrease height of a widget. [CHAR_LIMIT=30] --> <string name="action_decrease_height">Decrease height</string> <!-- Accessibility confirmation for widget resize. --> <string name="widget_resized">Widget resized to width <xliff:g id="number" example="2">%1$s</xliff:g> height <xliff:g id="number" example="1">%2$s</xliff:g></string> <!-- Accessibility action to show quick actions menu for an icon. [CHAR_LIMIT=30] --> <string name="action_deep_shortcut">Shortcuts</string> <!-- Accessibility description when the context menu of a launcher icon that has notifications as well as shortcuts (providing quick access to app's actions). The "shortcuts" translation should be consistent with the one for action_deep_shortcut. [CHAR_LIMIT=50] --> <string name="shortcuts_menu_with_notifications_description">Shortcuts and notifications </string> <!-- Accessibility action to dismiss a notification in the shortcuts menu for an icon. [CHAR_LIMIT=30] --> <string name="action_dismiss_notification">Dismiss</string> <!-- Accessibility confirmation for notification being dismissed. --> <string name="notification_dismissed">Notification dismissed</string> <!-- Label of tab to indicate personal apps --> <string name="all_apps_personal_tab">Personal</string> <!-- Label of tab to indicate work apps --> <string name="all_apps_work_tab">Work</string> <!-- This string is in the work profile tab when a user has All Apps open on their phone. This is a label for a toggle to turn the work profile on and off. "Work profile" means a separate profile on a user's phone that's specifically for their work apps and managed by their company. "Work" is used as an adjective.--> <string name="work_profile_toggle_label">Work profile</string> <!-- Title of an overlay in All Apps. This overlay is letting a user know about their work profile, which is managed by their employer. "Work apps" are apps in a user's work profile.--> <string name="bottom_work_tab_user_education_title">Find work apps here</string> <!-- Text in an overlay in All Apps. This overlay is letting a user know about their work profile, which is managed by their employer.--> <string name="bottom_work_tab_user_education_body">Each work app has a badge and is kept secure by your organization. Move apps to your Home screen for easier access.</string> <!-- This string is in the work profile tab when a user has All Apps open on their phone. It describes the label of a toggle, "Work profile," as being managed by the user's employer. "Organization" is used to represent a variety of businesses, non-profits, and educational institutions).--> <string name="work_mode_on_label">Managed by your organization</string> <!-- This string appears under a the label of a toggle in the work profile tab on a user's phone. It describes the status of the toggle, "Work profile," when it's turned off. "Work profile" means a separate profile on a user's phone that's speficially for their work apps and is managed by their company.--> <string name="work_mode_off_label">Notifications and apps are off</string> <string name="bottom_work_tab_user_education_close_button">Close</string> <string name="bottom_work_tab_user_education_closed">Closed</string> <string name="app_manager_accessibility_service_label">倍知守护-孩子App使用情况</string> <string name="permission_manager_accessibility_service_label">倍知守护-孩子权限服务</string> <string name="app_manager_accessibility_service_description">监听app的使用情况</string> <string name="permission_autoopen_service_description">自动开启倍知守护-孩子需要的权限</string> <string name="dialog_app_is_lock">当前应用已被禁用,如需启用请联系家长</string> <string name="dialog_tip_coin_not_enough">你的金币数量不够了,快去做一些任务吧!</string> <string name="dialog_app_use_deadline">当前应用已到达使用上限,如需使用请联系家长</string> <string name="app_is_unclass">当前应用未分类不可使用</string> <string name="money_not_enough">你的金币数量不够了,快去做一些任务吧</string> <string name="GAME_CLASS_USE_TIME_OUT">游戏及管控应用时长已使用完毕</string> </resources>